Archive for general

Tagit – RFID system

Here are the videos from Jon and Mikes final project

Promo-RFID Bulletin Board

Jon and Mike’s RFID project

Service Design Advice

Southwest Airlines Boarding Process Animation

Found this great animation done by Southwest that walks you through their new(ish) boarding process. It’s quite well done.

Southwest “Boarding School”


Service design-headed in the right dirrection

On core77 today there is a short article about how a product is design may not as important as the “eco-system” that it is a part of.
Seems like there is a future in a balance of well designed services and products.


Service Design conference

SD Conference

Europe’s first conference dedicated to Service Design took place in Amsterdam last week. The conference was kicked off by Birgit Mager and featured speakers from service design consultancies Engine, Live|Work and IDEO among others. Workshops covered financial services, healthcare, mobile communication and different topics around service design teaching and methods.

Lauren of Redjotter comments that while it was wonderful to put faces to names, the next important step is for service designers to move beyond communicating with each other to creating greater awareness among the general public.


Mental model of buying a house

Indi Young’s detailed diagram of the mental model about buying a home reads like a customer journey. It starts with “Find Out About OthersBuying Houses” and “Figure Out If/When I Can Afford a House” all the way through to owning the house. For the key stage of “Finding Likely Houses” she compares some of the services available today with those our grandparents used.  She argues that although services have developed, our underlying mental model as buyers today is much the same as our grandparents’. 

Victor Lombardi interviews her on her upcoming webinar.


SNIF Tag – Kcho

Sniftag “Tails told, friends made.”
This is a service that monitors movements of your dog and you can see little animations of what your dog might be doing. There is also a social network where you can meet other SNIF Tag owners.
The Q and A in the website is a great way to get the feeling of what the SNIF Tag is all about. The service already knows where the concerns lie. The questions together ultimately ask, where is the value of this product? The value is made solid when one SNIF Tag interacts with another SNIF Tag. There has to be a boom in the popularity in order for the SNIF Tag to create this network. Here lies the question how to get people to begin using/buying/investing/up –grading? The website is well organized. The little (big) quotes from National Geographic and Wired and The New York Times, this sense of credibility is exactly what a customer would be looking for. I have a little bit of trouble when I read the quotes. They are almost just describing the SNIF Tag. Are not quotes usually things stated like “breathtaking” “undeniably the best film of the year…”? Of course these are movie quotes but I felt like I was looking for more.
The last question “Can the SNIF Tag help me find my dog if he gets lost?” is almost alluding, I need something essential in the service.
I feel like the value of social networking is almost pushed onto the customer.
The SNIF Tag is great at creating a need. Sure, if dog owners really want to keep track of what the dog is vaguely doing, this is the perfect product. This is a great distraction made for the customer. Where is the meat of the product?
I am struggling with similar ideas.

Microsoft Surface

Touch screen table by Microsoft

-trading photos

-paying the bill (you can split the check!)

-getting directions


-sending e-mail

-finding restaurants

-uploading songs

MinJoo Kim

Social Object

Social object is something that helps people (users) to socialize. Through social objects, people can experience certain service, they can have conversations, and they can share information. These actions create socializing moments. For example, Flickr’s social object is photos. People share photos by tagging system and they can talk about their interest and opinion.

In my opinion, SnifTag is not only a product but also a social object. The touch point is that people can make friends through SnifTag. SnifTag becomes social networking by creating community.


MinJoo Kim